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GraphQL Middlewares

Casbin follows the officially suggested way to provide authorization for GraphQL endpoints by having a single source of truth for authorization: In other words, Casbin should be placed between the GraphQL layer and your business logic.

// Casbin authorization logic lives inside postRepository
var postRepository = require('postRepository');

var postType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Post',
fields: {
body: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (post, args, context, { rootValue }) => {
return postRepository.getBody(context.user, post);

Supported GraphQL Middlewares​

A complete list of Casbin GraphQL middlewares is provided below. Any third-party contributions on a new GraphQL middleware are welcomed. Please inform us, and we will add it to this list:)

MiddlewareGraphQL ImplementationAuthorDescription
graphql-authzgraphqlCasbinAn authorization middleware for graphql-go
graphql-casbingraphql@esmaeilpourAn implementation of using Graphql and Casbin together